For those who want to change or highlight part of the text they send by message, WhatsApp already offers four different formatting options: bold, italic, strikethrough and monospace. And it seems that the platform will soon add other options for formatting text.
What new formatting will WhatsApp add?
The development of the new formatting tools was discovered in one of the WhatsApp Desktop beta updates. As you can see in the image above, the new formatting feature is already in development. They are as follows:
- Code blocking: designed to make code sharing more readable, this will be a very useful tool for developers, programmers and other tech professionals.
- Quote: this new tool will make it possible to highlight part of the text, making it clear that it is someone else's sentence.
- List of items: a function to create a list with a more specific and clear formatting.
The new formatting tools have not yet been released. But it is expected that you will soon be able to use the new features in a future update of the app.
How to use formatting in WhatsApp
There are two ways to use the four formatting tools currently available in WhatsApp. The first is by following the path:
- Select the word or phrase you want to format.
- Click on the three dots (...) in the window that opens after you have made your selection.
- Select the formatting you want in the window that opens next
The second way to use the formatting is to manually place the punctuation symbols which are added by selecting one of the options from the menu shown above.
- Bold: place the phrase or word between asterisks (*)
- Italic: places the phrase or word between underscores (_)
- Strikethrough: places the phrase or word between tildes (~)
- Monospaced: places the phrase or word between three grave accents (```)
You can use more than one format in the same word or phrase.
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