After a few updates that only seemed to change the position of its buttons, WhatsApp has just launched an interesting new feature. It is now possible to share your screen during a video call on your smartphone or computer.
The feature is easy to access, but it may be important to take some precautions.
How to share your WhatsApp screen on your smartphone
WhatsApp has made the screen sharing feature available to you in a very simple way: a new button. We'll break it down into steps to explain it better, but it's all very simple.
- Make a video call with the person you want to share your screen with
- In the call, click once on the screen to bring up the menu
- Click on this second menu button (highlighted in the image below)
- In the window that opens, click on "Start now".
From there, sharing is now enabled. As long as you, who have shared the screen, are on the video call, the shared screen will be grayed out. To show whatever you want to the person you are chatting with, just go to the other app (the video call will not turn off when you leave the WhatsApp app, it will remain active).
The way is very similar, but it is important to note that the video call feature is not yet available on WhatsAppWeb. Therefore, you need to have the WhatsApp application (updated) on your computer. From there:
- Make a video call with the desired person.
- In the call, press once on the screen to bring up the menu
- Press this second menu button (highlighted in the image below)
- If you are sharing directly from your computer, a window will appear for you to choose which open window on your computer you want to share. Click on the screen you want to show in the video call.
What can we use screen sharing for?
There are many uses for this new feature. Want to send a tutorial on how to use an application? Before, we had to record a video of the phone screen (and have an app for that) and send it to the person we wanted to explain it to. Now we can simply share the screen and show them whatever we want.
Want to show a conversation with another person without having to send multiple copies? This is another point where screen sharing can be useful. Want to watch a video together with the person you are chatting with in a video call? That's fine too.
Some interesting precautions to take when screen sharing:
- Make sure you're sharing with someone you trust.
- The person will see everything you do on your smartphone while you're screen sharing. So be careful not to show passwords or private conversations.
- For extra security, close all other apps and leave open only WhatsApp windows and the app or window you want to share with the person.
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