To the delight of WhatsApp users, it is now official: the chat platform has launched the sending of photos in HD. The feature, which had been in the testing phase since June (and long awaited) is now available to all users from today, Thursday, August 17, 2023.
How to activate HD photos in Whatsapp
To activate the option to send in HD, Whatsapp has created a button in the edit bar that appears when sending each image.
As you can see in the image above, to send a photo or video in HD the user must click on the HD button. In the window that opens, you can see the difference in resolution between standard and HD quality. Simply select the HD option to activate sending in this higher quality.
Although the option to send images in HD has arrived, Whatsapp has chosen to create a button to activate the function for each new sending, instead of leaving it activated for all photos. The decision to keep the standard sending option is motivated by the possible need for users to share their multimedia files more quickly on different occasions.
HD images have a larger weight/size and may take longer to send, as well as take up more phone memory. So keeping the option to choose between standard and HD sending seems like a good way forward.
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