You know those times you have to read a long article on a website just to find out whether or not it contains the information you're looking for? Google wants to help you with that. It is already testing an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool that will offer a kind of summary of any online text.
The idea is that the resource provides a list of the key points on each page and the questions answered in the content. From there, the reader can even click on some of the points to "jump" to the part of the text that contains the information they are looking for.
The tool should arrive in Chrome in the next few days
At the moment, some users have already been able to test Google's new summary tool through the Google search application and Search Labs, although still experimentally. But the company has already said that the feature should be available for the Chrome browser in the coming days.
The idea is that Google is no longer limited to searching for content with the keywords that the user used in the search. The company wants to use AI to generate other information about the content found. The objective goes beyond speeding up the search and aims to facilitate the learning of new information or complex concepts.
The tool has been named SGE during navigation, which can be translated as "search engine with generative AI during navigation." The function will only work on public pages, which do not require a subscription or have payment blocks.
Google wants to use even more generative AI features
Another area in which Google plans to apply generative AI very soon is in generating explanations of terms and words that users find in different texts or pages.
In other words, in the near future it will be possible to hover the mouse cursor over a given term in an online text and already access an explanation of its meaning. According to Google's announcement, the AI could even display diagrams and images to explain what the user wants to understand.
Until now, the different pages have chosen to use resources such as hyperlinks that take users to specific pages to explain certain terms. Some content producers, aware of the length of their texts, also used bullet points with links to jump to certain parts of the text. Google's new generative AI should soon eliminate the need for such maneuvers.
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