All Free Fire weapons

All Free Fire Weapons, Statistics And Which Are The Best Ones

To survive in Free Fire - Battlegrounds it is necessary to use well the weapons we take. We have limited space in the backpack, so it is wise to choose among the best weapons and know how to properly use those we find.

The shooting range can be long, medium or short. Some of the weapons found on the island can be used in different ways; others can only be used at the right range. Knowing how to choose the right weapon for each situation will guarantee our victory. In this list you will discover what types of weapons are available in the game.

Index of contents
  1. All Free Fire weapons, statistics and which are the best ones
    1. Sniper rifles
    2. Assault rifles / machine guns
    3. Sub-machine guns / light machine guns
    4. Shotguns
    5. Special Weapons
    6. Pistols
    7. Melee Weapons
    8. Explosive weapons and grenades
  2. What is the best equipment?

All Free Fire weapons, statistics and which are the best ones

We will use a scale from 1 to 10 to rate each weapon. This score takes into account the type of weapon, the damage it causes, the recoil and the amount of attachments it can have.

In the tables we use data provided by Garena, the creators of Free Fire.

Sniper rifles

Precision or sniper rifles are weapons used to shoot from long distances and usually use telescopic sights as an aiming aid. These rifles are absolutely lethal in the right hands, as they can cause extreme damage and even immediate death.

Sniper rifles

Weapon Damage Range Precision rate of fire Ammunition reload speed Availability
M24 90 79 90 27 fifteen 48 Loot
Woodpecker 85 63 69 38 12 48 Loot
M82B 90 85 90 27 8 41 Loot (Blue Zone)
CHEST 90 91 90 27 5 3. 4 Drop/Supplies
Kar98k 90 84 90 27 5 27 Loot
SVD 89 80 51 3. 4 10 41 Drop/Supplies
SKS 82 82 51 35 10 41 Loot
VSS 54 72 73 46 fifteen 55 Loot
AC80 71 78 51 35 10 55 Loot


The M24 weapon, a sniper rifle for Free Fire
M24 weapon

M24 is a light sniper rifle that, at first glance, performs similar to the Kar98k. In practice, M24 inflicts slightly higher damage to the head and torso, provided the enemy does not have a high-level vest and helmet. It also has a slightly higher rate of fire. Coupled with a larger capacity magazine and three accessory slots, M24 is a good alternative!

Score: 7


Woodpecker Free Fire

The Woodpecker is a weapon that blends the power of a sniper rifle with that of an assault rifle. Don't be fooled by the lower damage or accuracy, as this weapon is capable of penetrating armor effectively. Apart from that, it has a good rate of fire and reloading speed, with 12 rounds in the magazine. Considering that almost every type of accessory can be added, it can become a very lethal weapon!

Rating: 8


M82B Free Fire
M82B Free Fire

A powerful sniper rifle that, without being as lethal as an AWM, does tremendous damage. Its unique power allows the bullets to pass through ice blocks and even do much more damage against vehicles. It has the great advantage of being able to add a silencer and, in addition, its magazine can hold up to 8 bullets.

Rating: 9


Free Fire AWM
Free Fire AWM

A bolt-action rifle, which means you need to take your sights off the scope after each shot. It has a 5-round magazine and an integrated telescopic sight. It is Free Fire's most powerful weapon, capable of delivering lethal shots from a long distance. However, the AWM rifle can only be taken in drops and has ammunition of its own.

Rating: 9



Pre-equipped with a very good scope, the Kar98k is a very powerful and efficient rifle. However, it is not ideal for new players and has a magazine of only five rounds. The only accessory we can apply to it is an aiming one.

Rating: 7



A very powerful weapon and pre-equipped with a 4x scope, the SVD gives very consistent shots at long distances. It allows all kinds of extras to be attached, further enhancing the rifle. It is slightly less accurate than the AWM but, being semi-automatic, it compensates with its rate of fire. In addition, there is no need to look away after each shot. Unfortunately, the SVD is only available at drops or supply points.

Score: 9


Free Fire SKS
Free Fire SKS

This is a semi-automatic rifle with a capacity of 10 AR rounds. It does a lot of damage and comes with an integrated telescopic sight. Unfortunately, it has high recoil and is therefore inaccurate, although it can be improved with the right accessories. SKS can carry a shaft to stabilize shots and muzzle for longer bullet range, as well as a larger capacity magazine.

Score: 7


Free Fire VSS
Free Fire VSS

Categorized as SMG for using that ammunition, the VSS is a semi-auto sniper rifle can put many shots on target quickly and accurately. It is difficult to be heard with this rifle, as it has a built-in silencer, in addition to integrating a scope. It is versatile at long and medium range, but is hard to find. It doesn't do much damage but it makes up for it with its low recoil and great rate of fire.

Rating: 7



AC80 is a rifle with a power that has nothing to envy to other guns. The most striking aspect is the penetrating shots, as it inflicts more damage when firing consecutively. This allows you to eliminate an enemy relatively quickly, even if he is wearing armor or a helmet. Apart from this, you can add some accessories to AC80!

Score: 8

Assault rifles / machine guns

Assault rifles or machine guns are long and medium range weapons, with automatic fire and high hitting power. They are the most versatile weapons in the game, as they are best suited to a multitude of situations. Heavy machine guns are also included in this section.

Assault Rifles / Machine Guns

Weapon Damage Range Precision rate of fire Ammunition reload speed Availability
shield weapon 54 77 55 59 30 41 Loot
G36 57 57 55 61 30 48 Loot
PARAFAL 69 64 39 48 30 41 Loot
AUG 56 58 55 61 35 55 Loot
AN94 60 62 48 58 30 Four. Five Loot
M4A1 54 68 55 57 30 48 Loot
M14 75 83 57 43 24 52 Loot
SCAR 55 68 fifty 61 48 52 Loot
AND 61 72 41 56 30 41 Loot
FAMAS 54 64 47 72 30 48 Loot
BASKET 61 77 52 58 30 48 Drop/Supplies
XM8 57 60 57 61 25 Four. Five Loot
KingFisher 52 55 fifty 69 22 55 Loot
M60 56 65 43 56 60 48 Loot
M249 57 76 67 59 100 48 Drop/Supplies
ONCE 59 73 59 52 80 41 Loot

Shield weapon

Arma shield, an assault rifle from Free Fire
Arma shield, an assault rifle from Free Fire

Arma escudo is an interesting addition to the weapon repertoire. It features a frontal shield that can protect you from shots coming from the front. This can give you an advantage in 1-on-1 duels, not so much against groups. For all intents and purposes, Shield Weapon performs about the same as an M4A1, without attachments.

Rating: 7


G36 Free Fire Machine Gun
G36 Free Fire Machine Gun

G36 is an assault rifle that has two firing modes, one dedicated to close combat and the other more for medium and long range. Taking this into account and the fact that it has good base stats, G36 is a good choice as a weapon that adapts to different situations. You can attach accessories such as the stock or a good scope, which improves the performance and stability of the rifle.

Score: 8


PARAFAL Free Fire Machine Gun

PARAFAL is a good weapon with great power and range, with which you will have some advantage in exchanges of medium-range shots. The trick is that it has low accuracy and low rate of fire. If you hone your aim well, you will be able to do a lot of damage with this weapon, but try to have another weapon for close range confrontations.

Score: 7


AUG Free Fire Machine Gun
AUG Free Fire Machine Gun

After many updates without seeing a popular assault rifle, AUG is here to stay. It is a weapon with good damage and reliable in the hands of anyone who wants to keep distance against enemies. While you can attach any type of accessory, it is appreciated that it comes pre-equipped with a scope. The downside is that, without attachments, AUG is not the best weapon you can have in Free Fire.

Score: 6


Free Fire AN94
Free Fire AN94

The AN94 is basically a new version of the AK. With good recoil control and great range, this powerful assault rifle is versatile and very accurate. Although it does less damage than the AK, we can hit more shots in a row on our enemies, thanks to its recoil. However, the rate of fire is slow, so for short distances it is not very useful.

Score: 8



This is a long and medium distance gun with a high rate of fire, but not very accurate due to recoil. This rifle is perfect for new players, as it adapts to different scenarios. With the right accessories, we can improve this weapon considerably, even reduce its recoil. We can attach a scope, a magazine with more capacity, improve aim or add a shaft.

Rating: 7



This is the machine gun that causes the most damage in Free Fire. If we add a scope to this weapon, we will have in our hands a powerful high impact automatic rifle. It has quite a lot of recoil in automatic fire, but the shots are perfectly manageable, especially if we take some accessories. The magazine is small, with only 15 rounds, so be careful not to waste ammunition.

Score: 8



A stable, low recoil, fairly easy to handle weapon. This rifle is quite popular, but not very accurate and not very powerful. If we use the level 3 scope, shaft and muzzle, we will have a weapon with very consistent shots at long range.

Rating: 7



A very powerful weapon, capable of causing a lot of damage with a good rate of fire. However, this hitting power is weighed down by a large recoil. The AK rifle is not suitable for beginners, but if mastered it can become a nightmare for our enemies.

Rating: 8



The first Free fire weapon that can fire in bursts. It has a short burst mode, three shots in a row, which increases the damage of the weapon. In addition, it is quite stable and we can add all kinds of accessories, greatly improving its effectiveness.

Score: 8



One of the best weapons in the game, as it combines great firepower with long range accuracy. It is very rare, as it can only be found in certain drops. The rate of fire is low, so it does not pay to use it at close range.

Rating: 9



This rifle is pre-equipped with a scope and causes more damage than the M4A1 and SCAR, even though it has less recoil. It allows the addition of all types of accessories, except the scope. It is a good rifle for medium range, but for long range shooting it is necessary to master it well.

Rating: 8


KingFisher Free Fire
KingFisher Free Fire

The KingFisher is far from the most damaging assault rifle in Free Fire, but its stability makes it a favorite weapon of many players. It is easy to hit enemies in the head even in medium-range combat, and it comes with built-in sights. One of the most reliable weapons in the game.

Rating: 8



The M60 is a heavy machine gun with good damage, range and accuracy, despite having a high recoil. If we play in Squad mode, it is a recommended weapon to give cover to our team, as it has a large magazine. It has a slow rate of fire; even so, try to use short bursts of 3 to 5 shots to maximize its effect. The only accessory allowed is an optical sight.

By activating the machine gun mode (see note at the end of the section), the M60 gets a higher rate of fire.

Score: 8



This is another of the heavy machine guns and one of Free Fire's best weapons. The powerful M249 reaches long distances and, despite being automatic, has little recoil. In addition, its 100-round magazine takes a long time to wear out, so you'll be able to trap enemies under an endless wave of lead! Note that it is a very rare weapon, available only in drops.

When activating the machine gun mode (see note at the end of the section), the M249 does a little more damage.

Score: 9


KORD - Free Fire
KORD - Free Fire

KORD is a similar weapon to M249, although it ranks lower in weapon stats. Interestingly, it carries an integrated optical sight. This heavy machine gun has a good range, so you can take advantage of the sight to shoot distant enemies. However, the low accuracy and slower rate of fire prevent you from being effective at long range.

By activating the machine gun mode (see note at the end of the section), the KORD gets a higher rate of fire and fires three bullets at a time. We recommend finding a safe place and using this mode, as this is how this machine gun is best used.

Rating: 6

Note: Machine gun mode is a bonus that the weapon receives when you use it crouched or lying on the ground.

Sub-machine guns / light machine guns

Sub-machine guns (SMG) or light machine guns are short-range weapons with a high rate of fire. They are suitable for one-on-one combat, as they can fill opponents with lead in a matter of seconds. As they do little damage, they are not at all effective at long distances.

Submachine guns

Weapon Damage Range Precision rate of fire Ammunition reload speed Availability
Bison 54 twenty 17 75 30 41 Loot
Vector 47 33 61 81 twenty 27 Loot
Thompson fifty 24 42 78 42 48 Loot
P90 49 27 44 76 fifty 48 Loot
MP5 48 27 54 76 30 62 Loot
UMP fifty 24 42 74 30 59 Loot
MP40 48 22 27 83 twenty 48 Loot
MAC10 49 25 49 75 30 62 Loot
Mini UZI 41 16 54 92 twenty 55 Loot


Bizon, a Free Fire weapon in the SMG or submachine gun category

The Bizon is a weapon that, in base statistics, ranks behind the Vector. However, this SMG has one big advantage: You can attach all kinds of accessories to it. By adding a stock, magazine, muzzle and other extras, the Bizon becomes a damaging weapon at close range. However, to get the most out of it at medium range, you have to shoot in bursts, as it loses a lot of accuracy when firing in a row.

Score: 9


Vector Free Fire

Vector is a special light machine gun, as it is the first one that can be used in Akimbo mode, which means you can carry two Vectors at the same time! Thanks to that, Vector is quite a damaging weapon in close-range duels, as long as you carry two in hand. The hail of bullets will lower the life of any enemy that stands in front of you, and it's also the most accurate submachine gun.

Score: 9


Thompson Free Fire Submachine Gun Submachine Gun

The Thompson is a middle ground between the high cadence of the MP40 and the huge magazine of the P90, with the advantage of being the submachine gun that does the most damage. Accuracy is a bit worse, though you will feel it little if you use it in close-quarters combat. For close-quarters scouting or close-quarters skirmishing, the Thompson is a very solid choice.

Score: 8



The P90 is a stable and accurate light machine gun with a huge 50-round magazine. It does not have the rate of fire of the MP40 but does the same damage and at a longer range. It can also carry an optical sight and increase its magazine. It is a well-balanced weapon for those of us who prefer tactics over aggression.

Rating: 7



The classic MP5 is ideal for short to medium range, especially indoors. It is a very accurate submachine gun with an incredible rate of fire. However, it does very little damage to enemies with level 3 vests and its shots are ineffective at long range. Recoil, even without attachments, is virtually non-existent.

Rating: 6



With a slower but more powerful rate of fire than the MP5, the UMP is a good entry-level light machine gun. It is accurate, well balanced and better than the other three at long range. Mind you, it has more recoil but can be improved by adding a shaft and aiming accessories.

Score: 5



The MP40 is another classic weapon, with great rate of fire and very stable. Its short range makes it useless at long distances, but it is very effective in close quarters such as houses or warehouses. Being an old gun, apart from the magazine, it does not allow the use of other extras.

Rating: 7


MAC10 Free Fire
MAC10 Free Fire

MAC10 is a great alternative to the Thompson and Vector. The built-in silencer, base damage and rate of fire make this weapon an effective close-range armament. MAC10 is great for the first few minutes of the game and for finishing off downed enemies.

Rating: 8

Mini UZI

Mini Uzi Free Fire
Mini Uzi Free Fire

The Mini UZI is a secondary weapon that is useful in close combat. Although the damage per bullet is not that high, the rate of fire more than makes up for it. If you have good aim, you can take down or eliminate an enemy in a matter of two seconds at the start of the game, provided he is unprotected. Unfortunately, the Mini UZI does not accept accessories.

Score: 7


Shotguns are weapons for players who prefer a more aggressive style, with considerable damage and low rate of fire. They are perfect and very effective for short distances, as well as being easy to find.


Weapon Damage Range Precision rate of fire Ammunition reload speed Availability
Charge Buster Variable 18 (minimum) 31 (minimum) 44 3 48 Loot
BE 7 89 13 22 53 8 55 Loot
M1887 100 fifteen 10 40 2 55 Loot
M1014 94 10 10 39 6 31 Loot
M1873 94 8 10 35 2 41 Loot
SPAS12 97 14 10 42 5 41 Loot

Charge Buster

the Charge Buster shotgun, a shotgun at Free Fire
the Charge Buster shotgun, a shotgun at Free Fire

Charge Buster is a different shotgun from the usual. The reason is that it has a special shooting mode: charged shot. Normal shots do good damage, but the range and accuracy are not very ideal. Fortunately, the charged shot not only improves range and accuracy, but also increases damage! Thanks to this feature, Charge Buster is an ideal shotgun, lethal in close combat.

Rating: 7


MAG-7 Free Fire Shotgun
MAG-7 Free Fire Shotgun

MAG-7 is a shotgun that, despite having less damage per bullet/shot, allows you to do more damage in close combat. It has the highest rate of fire of this type of weapon and 8 rounds in the magazine. Therefore, the MAG-7 is an ideal weapon if you find it in the first few minutes and want to explore the interior of buildings.

Rating: 8


M1887 Free Fire Shotgun
M1887 Free Fire Shotgun

A two-shot shotgun is something that won't appeal to many players, especially after the early game. Despite that disadvantage, it makes up for it by its high damage. It has a good reload time, so in good hands and in constant motion, the M1887 can be very lethal.

Rating: 7



This is a very accurate shotgun capable of causing a lot of damage with a single shot to an unprotected enemy. It has only five rounds in the magazine and cannot be upgraded with accessories. The recoil is considerable but, being semi-automatic, it doesn't really influence your shots.

Rating: 6



A high-damage weapon, this short-range shotgun has only two rounds in the magazine. Causing brutal damage at close range, it is ideal for use inside homes or other enclosed places - we will be the terror of our enemies! However, in long range combat it is totally useless. It can be used as a substitute for the pistol.

Rating: 6



The SPAS12, with a very menacing look, causes a lot of damage at close and medium range. Unlike the M1014, it is possible to attach a larger magazine. This way, we can fight longer in an exchange without having to reload.

Rating: 6

Special Weapons

In this section you will find a variety of weapons that are very different from each other and do not fit into any of the other sections.

Special Weapons

Weapon Damage Range Precision rate of fire Ammunition reload speed Availability
M79 84 51 90 27 1 62 Drop/Supplies
Crossbow 90 36 90 48 1 41 Loot
MGL140 90 51 90 33 5 76 Loot
treatment gun 57 73 54 58 30 - Loot
CG15 fifty 71 60 69 twenty 62 Loot
Gatling 55 84 79 56 1200 62 Loot
Hand cannon 90 10 3. 4 27 2 62 Loot
RGS50 90 100 90 27 3 62 Loot
Plasma 57 73 54 58 30 - Loot
ice gun - - - - 5 - Loot
flamethrower 39 35 10 89 200 48 -
treatment rifle 84 90 90 36 5 3. 4 Loot
treatment laser gun - 17 100 67 30 - Loot
trogon 26 / 100 15 / 20 - - 12 / 4 - -

Trogon - New weapon!

Free Fire Weapons - Trogon
Free Fire Weapons - Trogon

Trogon is a shotgun that you can switch to grenade launcher mode whenever you want. With shotgun mode, you will fire three pellet bursts in a row, making it useful for taking down an enemy up close. The grenade launcher mode allows you to hit groups of enemies and even damage those hiding behind obstacles. Thanks to the ability to switch modes, Trogon is a versatile weapon.

Score: 8

Laser treatment gun

Laser Treatment Gun, a non-harmful weapon from Free Fire
Laser Treatment Gun

The laser treatment gun is a weapon intended to support your companions. Its only function is to heal others, as long as they are near you. It is fine for replenishing after a fight; not so much for use mid-combat. Note that it can overheat, so you can't use it all the time.

Score: 5



Is there a camper who sneaks a shot at you? Or have you met someone out in the open? Use the M79 and give them a beautiful gift! There's nothing like using 40mm bullets, with brutal damage, to move up the rankings. However, we should note that it only carries one bullet per magazine, and the only applicable accessory is a faster reload.

Score: 8



This crossbow fires silent and powerful darts. The darts it uses manage to penetrate through any kind of vest or helmet, and produces a bleeding effect that makes you lose life for a few seconds. We will not be able to attach accessories and we will only have one shot at a time. Use it carefully.

Score: 6


Free Fire MGL140
Free Fire MGL140

The MGL140 is a repeating grenade launcher, with a magazine for 5 grenades. If the M79 already gets on the nerves of many players, this weapon is a display of power and anger. Beware of firing wildly, as you will quickly run out of ammunition. The only accessory that can be added is the magazine. However, for now it is only available in the explosive jump mode.

Score: 9

Treatment Pistol

Free Fire Healing Pistol
Free Fire Healing Pistol

This gun is very curious, as you can do damage to your enemies or heal your allies with the shots. Unfortunately, it has a short range and the magazine is somewhat limited. Also, it is impossible to add any kind of accessory or extra.

Rating: 7


Free Fire - Special Weapons: CG15
Free Fire - Special Weapons: CG15

It is a futuristic weapon with two types of shooting: normal or precision. The normal mode is quite effective, considering that it uses SMG ammunition, that is, submachine gun ammunition. Precision shooting, by placing the eye on the sight, allows you to load a kinetic energy shot. If you manage to load the shot to the maximum, you will do more damage than with an AWM!

Unfortunately, the CG15 only allows magazine and shaft as extras and, of course, precision shooting takes a while to reload. In order not to unbalance the game too much, the normal shot causes quite a lot of damage but with relatively low cadence. For this very reason, this sniper combines well with an assault rifle.

Rating: 9


Special Weapons: Gatling
Special Weapons: Gatling

Imagine having a powerful machine gun in your hands, with which you could fire an endless hail of bullets at your opponents. That's exactly what Gatling does, with a 1200-round magazine and good damage for each one of them. Enemies will never be safe once you decide to pull the trigger. While it doesn't excel at it, its accuracy and range is decent for what it brings to the table - you'll dominate the battlefield if you get your hands on this gun!

Score: 10

Hand Cannon

Hand Cannon
Hand Cannon

The Hand Cannon is quite useful, as it takes the place of the pistol and is much better. It is basically the same as the M79 grenade launcher but with a small size and much less range. If you find one of these cannons, get it!

Score: 8

RGS50 - Antimatter Rifle

RGS50 Free Fire
RGS50 Free Fire

If you are looking for a good powerful gun, RGS50 is a great choice! It's meant for destroying vehicles, so you can already imagine that it does a lot of damage. Not only that: it has the longest range in the game and almost perfect accuracy. Too bad it's hard to find.

Score: 9

Plasma Weapon

Free Fire Plasma Weapon
Free Fire Plasma Weapon

A weapon that doesn't need normal ammo but takes a while to reload when you use it to the limit. Recoil is low, it deals good damage and has a decent rate of fire. It is a good choice. If you know how to handle it and get accessories like the scope, it will be an effective weapon!

Score: 7

Ice Pistol

Free Fire Ice Pistol
Ice Pistol

The Ice Gun is not really a weapon, but simply generates a wall of ice in front of you. If you can't find any ice grenades, it's a good alternative.

Scoring: -



The Flamethrower is a very situational weapon. With this special weapon you can destroy players and vehicles alike in a few seconds. The downside is that it doesn't have much ammo and you have to be somewhat close to do good damage. We feel that other weapons can do a better job than the Flamethrower, unless you want to blow up vehicles!

Score: 6

Treatment Rifle

Free Fire Treatment Rifle
Free Fire Treatment Rifle

The treatment rifle is similar to the pistol, as you can heal your allies by shooting them with this weapon. The fact that a long range weapon has this functionality can be interesting for some duos and squads. The negative point is that it heats up quite fast and you have to wait a lot before you can shoot several more times.

Score: 6


They are small and short range weapons. Pistols should only be used until another weapon is found, due to their power and magazine limitations.


Weapon Damage Range Precision rate of fire Ammunition reload speed Availability
Desert Eagle 90 79 Four. Five 33 eleven 86 Loot
G18 Four. Five 42 57 64 24 61 Loot
USP Four. Five 29 57 44 12 83 Loot
USP-2 Four. Five 28 57 61 12 55 Loot
M500 67 76 10 43 5 69 Loot
M1917 67 23 57 57 12 38 Loot

Desert Eagle

Desert Eagle Free Fire Pistol
Desert Eagle Free Fire Pistol

A pistol capable of causing tremendous damage at medium range. It has only 7 rounds in the magazine, and the recoil is massive, but it is the most powerful Free Fire pistol. However, it is only available in Squad Duel, but if you see it early in the game, get it!

Score: 8



A modest pistol, with a high rate of fire. It compensates for its low power with a good amount of bullets in the magazine. There are several G18s scattered around the map, so it's easy to find one.

Rating: 4



This is a perfect weapon for the early stages of the game. It has a 12 round magazine and is slightly more accurate than the G18.

Score: 4



USP-2 is the Akimbo mode of the USP weapon. Thanks to having two pistols in hand, you can do more damage in less time, and therefore it is more lethal than having a single USP. However, it is still not very effective.

Rating: 6



The M500 is the only Free Fire pistol equipped with an optical sight. That allows us to shoot accurately at long range and cause a lot of damage. We can even add a silencer and aiming accessories to make it an even more effective weapon. Its main disadvantage is its small magazine, only 5 bullets, insufficient for extended firefights.

Rating: 7


M1917 Free Fire
M1917 Free Fire

Facing guns like Glock or USP, M1917 is a good gun with more power but it is far from being an essential weapon for survival. It has enough power to help you survive in the first few minutes. However, due to its effective damage range, it is only fully useful in close combat. The plus point is that you can attach some accessories to it.

Score: 7

Melee Weapons


Melee Weapons

Weapon Damage Range Precision rate of fire Ammunition reload speed Availability
From FF 90 53 90 38 3 - Loot
Katana 66 5 10 32 - - Loot
Frying pan 62 5 10 35 - - Loot
Machete 66 5 10 32 - - Loot
Bate 63 5 10 33 - - Loot
To 90 6 10 30 - - Loot

If you have just landed and found one of these weapons, use it. No unprotected and unarmed enemy will be able to resist the edge of the machete, the blunt force of the frying pan or the beautiful swing of a player. As a curiosity, the frying pan, apart from being excellent as a melee weapon, also serves as a rudimentary protection. Who would have thought!


Melee Weapons: Katana
Melee Weapons: Katana

The Katana is a weapon that came out with Hayato's character. It's a good mix between a machete and a bat, taking the best of both in terms of damage and range. For this very reason, the Katana has easily become the best melee weapon in Free Fire - prove your worth, samurai!



Accessories or extras help us to greatly improve our weaponry. We can increase the magazine to have more bullets, add an optical sight or decrease the recoil to better handle the weapon. Whenever we find accessories of a higher level, we have to change them immediately for the ones we have. These accessories can be:

  • Muzzle: allows to increase the range of the bullets.
  • Shaft: decreases recoil by stabilizing the weapon.
  • Magazine: increases the number of bullets per magazine. At a higher level, you can also increase the reloading speed.
  • Optical sight: facilitates aiming by increasing the focus.
  • Silencer: suppresses the noise of gunfire, making you harder to detect.
  • Bipod: decreases recoil and improves accuracy when shooting crouched or lying down.
  • Stock: increases the weapon's stability and allows you to move faster while shooting.

Thermal sight


The thermal sight is a type of sight that allows us to identify an enemy by body heat, identified with a yellowish tone, even if he is hidden or protected. It is not common to find it

Explosive weapons and grenades


Free Fire Mine
Free Fire Mine

It is a powerful explosive that can be placed on the ground, anywhere. We can use the mine to deny entry or surprise an enemy. Unfortunately, the mine takes a while to explode even after being stepped on, but it causes quite a bit of damage. It is very effective to place mines in areas with lots of grass and bushes, and avoid placing them in places that are easy to see.



The grenade is the other explosive available in Free Fire. We can use it inside buildings where our enemies try to hide or for other surprises. Be careful when using them: avoid walls, ceilings or other obstacles, or you risk the grenade coming back at you!

Ice grenade


They shoot at you and you have no cover? Use this grenade and create a solid wall of ice anywhere. I know what you're thinking; yes, it's Fortnite style. This way you'll manage to survive shots from enemies.

Gloo Grenade

Gloo Grenade
Gloo Grenade

This grenade, when thrown against a gloo wall, causes it to melt. Warning: it can also melt your own gloo walls!

Blinding grenade

The blinding grenade is used to blind your enemies for a few seconds. Make good use of these seconds by eliminating opponents or moving quickly to another location. However, be careful when using this grenade, lest you get blinded!

Smoke grenade

The smoke grenade is one of the latest additions to Free Fire. For the moment it is only available in Squad Duel, and it is quite useful! It's true that throwing one screams "this is my position" from afar, but it serves a lot of tactical purposes. With this grenade you can flank better or avoid being spotted well when you want to scout or ambush your team.

Decoy Grenade

The Decoy grenade serves as a distraction maneuver for enemies who are not paying 100% attention. Throw it near you and a decoy that takes the form of an armed survivor will deploy. This is perfect to give you time to escape or make enemies reveal themselves on the map by firing at the decoy. Use it strategically!

What is the best equipment?

In Battle Royale style games like Free Fire, all players start the game without any equipment. To win, you need to find weapons, protection, supplies and bullets. An effective equipment would be to have a long- and medium-range weapon, equipped with a telescopic sight; a submachine gun or shotgun; and, finally, a pistol as a weapon of last resort.

In addition, it is essential to have a vest, helmet and a level 2 or 3 backpack. Get in the habit of taking the most effective weaponry and immediately discarding the inferior. Don't be so bold as to try to achieve victory with only a pistol, here the smartest wins!

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